This will be yet another short Bible study, as it is only two verses. This one, and the previous one, are ones that I decided to study while at a church service on New Years Eve. I loved that they spoke about being new at a time when things were about to be made new again, so to speak. This one isn't really that hard to understand, so I don't know how much input I will have, but I just really want to post it. I truly hope that you can get something out of such a short study!!
"For behold, I create new heavens and earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind." - Isaiah 65:17
How this relates in our lives: I think there are a TON of ways that we could relate this to our own lives, some that are spiritual and probably some that are not. I think the main one is when we become Born Again Christians. The old is made new, we become a new creation. I don't know about you, but five weeks ago tomorrow, when it all changed for me, I full on began to feel like a new creation! I was no longer the girl I had once been. Now, I wasn't new to being a Christian, but I WAS new to trusting God totally and completely. I WAS new to leaning mainly on Him and a group of Christian friends that would hold me up in prayer and encouragement (not new to having such friends, but new to leaning on them). I WAS new to being outgoing and putting myself out there. I could probably list at least twenty ways that I became new, but we'll just leave it at that for now. Point is, I became new. The old me was gone. Now, I don't think that this verse would suggest that we don't learn from our mistakes, but I DO think that we need not dwell on them. I get SO caught up in mistakes that I make sometimes that I feel lost, and as though I can't ever find my way back! There is no need to remember and/or dwell on such things. And as a whole, this goes for earth in a literal term, too. No one wants to forget 9/11, but we don't want to dwell on it. I am just now realizing, as I type, how many ways this is applicable. Isn't it just so exciting how many ways we can apply God's Word to our lives?
"But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create; For behold, I create Jerusalem as a rejoicing, And her people a joy." - Isaiah 65:18
How this relates in our lives: Are you ever afraid of change? I definitely was before my transformation, and do you want to know a secret? I still am sometimes! But here's the deal, worrying gets us nowhere, and any and all change can be used to better the Kingdom of our Lord! So, when something is made new or changes, rejoice in it and remember that it's because God has something better! Didn't get into the school of your dreams? Well, maybe God has something planned for you somewhere else that you couldn't have accomplished from there. I know that accepting my depression and not finishing high school as something that God would use was basically impossible for the longest time. Finally, though, the moment came when I got my GED, started community college, and was healed! Now I have experiences that I can share with others. Now I can tell someone else struggling with any or all of those things that it WILL get better and that they will come out stronger for it. I feel as if I have rambled myself off course here, but it was a point I felt moved to make. Bottom line is this: you can complain or worry (which will get you nowhere) or you can rejoice in what God has planned for you, which will get you everywhere!
I pray that you have gotten at least something out of this, as I feel like I went WAY off course and possibly made no sense. Sometimes I think I start going in one direction, focusing on one area, when God decides to steer me in a different direction. And hey, who am I to argue with God? So, thank you for reading and God bless!!! <3
30 Day Challenge: Day 5
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